It is inevitable that at some point, we will stop as ask ourselves “Who am I?”
Identity is a tricky thing that has become a hot button topic in the last few years, leaving us to ponder how we identify ourselves and where we go to for answers.
As we deconstruct the building blocks to our identity, such as the importance of relationships as identity, our understanding of guilt and shame, we allow ourselves to confront our true self within the liberation of being a Child of God.
Hosted by Nicole Dominguez with guest Ruth Hodge.
Show Notes:
Adamic Covenant
- Genesis 1:26-30
- Genesis 2:16-17
- Genesis 3:15
Noahic Covenant
- Genesis 9:11
Abrahamic Covenant
- Genesis 12:1-3
- Romans 4:11
Palestinian Covenant
- Deuteronomy 30:1-10
Mosaic Covenant
- Deuteronomy 11
Davidic Covenant
- 2 Samuel 7:8-16
- Luke 1:32-33
- Mark 10:77
New Covenant
- Jeremiah 31:31-34
- Matthew 26:28
- Hebrews 9:15
Version: 20241125